Cylindrical Rubber Fenders
Cylindrical fenders have been in use for the longest period of time, of all the different types of rubber fender profiles. This sort of fenders can withstand great forces and loads well.
We produce by extrusion cylindrical fenders with smaller diameters, while larger fenders are produced by wrapping wear-resistant rubber around a mandrel.
Cylindrical fenders are made in various sizes, ranging from Ø 100 mm to 2000 mm in diameter. We keep standard sizes up to a diameter of 400 mm in stock and can be delivered shortly.
The wide selection of sizes and lengths also makes them extremely efficient and ideal for mooring large and small ships to secure quays.
Cylindrical fenders shield embankments and are widely used on tugboats or workboats ' bows and sterns as well. Such fenders can be easily installed and repaired and removed if needed.
It is possible to attach cylindrical fenders to a wide variety of surfaces and in various finishing options. The installation is relatively straightforward and can be mounted with chains or rods horizontally, vertically or diagonally. It is possible to provide cylindrical fenders in specified lengths and beveled ends.
Cylindrical Shape Rubber Fenders
Cylindrical Shape Rubber Fenders Our cylindrical fenders are suitable for use in applications that require protection from large objects and heavy impacts. Using the suspended mounting process, our cylindrical ship fenders are usually placed on the ship's hull. This method uses a linear line, ensuring continuous protected protection. To get a good link to the sea vessel's hull, we can also taper the ends of the fender. These particular cylindrical fenders offer a wid..