Polyvinylidene fluoride / PVDF
PVDF is valued for its toughness, stability, and distinct engineering advantages. For example, if you need a polymer that will withstand exposure to harsh thermal, chemical, or ultraviolet conditions, porous PVDF offers superior stability similar to the performance of fluoropolymers in these environments.
Polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF) - is an opaque, semi-crystalline, thermoplastic fluoropolymer. PVDF is characterized by excellent chemical stability, without having the disadvantages of low-mechanical values and/or processing difficulties which can be experienced with other fluoroplastics.
An extremely hard material, porous PVDF may be used at temperatures from -62 to 149°C. No oxidation or thermal degradation occurs during continuous exposure to 149°C. It is available for custom molded shapes.
It is unaffected by long-term exposure to sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet radiation. It retains its properties in high vacuum and gamma radiation and is resistant to most acids and alkalis. PVDF is the material of choice when the porous structure will be exposed to ozone or chlorine.
PVDF Applications include: