Steam Ball Valves
Occasionally it is essential to isolate safely sections of pipeline with steam, either by hand or remote control. The steam ball valves do this safely, predictably, and reliably because they are designed and manufactured specifically for steam.
All steam ball valves we offer comply with the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC.
• No leaks from the valve - single seat/seal arrangement.
• The steam ball valves have high capacity, low pressure drop, low energy loss.
• No sticking even at high pressures - low operating torque.
• Automatic recovery of seal wear of the steam ball valves
• Easily automated - ISO mountings as standard on certain models.
• Seat and seal materials to suit the conditions; PTFE, R-PTFE, PEEK, PDR 0.8.
• all steam ball valves come with ISO 9001/2000 - traceability of materials and relevant certification.