For oil and fuels
Gasket sheets for oil and fuels
KLINGERSIL® C-4300 KLINGERsil C-4430 is a premium grade compressed fibre material with exceptional compressive strength good chemical and temperature resistance. C-4430 is based on glass fibre with an NBR binder and can be used for a wide range of chemicals and applications. Manufactured to high specifications and available in a range of thicknesses KLINGERsil C-4430 is often used in the aerospace industry. KLINGERsil C-4430 meets the requirements of BS 7531 Grade X,..
KLINGERSIL® C-4300 gasket sheets KLINGERSIL® C-4300 is a universal high-pressure gasket sheet suitable for use in a wide range of applications with good stress relaxation. Suitable for hot water, steam, oil, hydrocarbons and many other chemicals. Klingersil C-4300 is considered a general-purpose gasket material. It is dimensionally stable and with a consistent material composition. KLINGERSIL® C-4300 gasket sheets are made of Aramid fibre bonded with NBR. KLINGERS..
Donit TESNIT® BA-202 Gasket Sheet
Donit TESNIT® BA-202 Gasket Sheet TESNIT® BA-202 gasket sheet is suitable for non-demanding applications in particular the water supply industry. As such, TESNIT® BA-202 has been designed with good mechanical and sealing properties. Chemical resistance against water, gases, oils and fuels is very good. Donit Testnit BA-202 gasket sheet material is very suitable for the sealing application at lower loadings. Gasket material with good resistance to water, gases, fuels and oi..
Donit TESNIT® BA-203 Gasket Sheet
Donit TESNIT® BA-203 Gasket Sheet TESNIT® BA-203 is a special gasket material based on aramid fibres and NBR nitrile rubber. It has good resistance to water, gases, oils and fuels. TESNIT® BA-203 covers the medium application loadings. TESNIT® BA-203 is designed for less demanding applications, particularly for shipbuilding. Material is approved by GL / Germanischer Lloyd. Gasket sheets TESNIT® BA-203 also have a good thermal resistance. COMPOSITION: The BA-203 gas..
Donit TESNIT® BA-R300 Gasket Sheet
Donit TESNIT® BA-R300 Gasket Sheet Donit TESNIT® BA-R300 is a durable sealing material intended for use in high-temperature exhaust systems. It provides remarkable stability under heat and stress, making it ideal for big diesel engines and turbochargers. Its revolutionary manufacturing technology enables cost-effective alternatives in various sizes and continuous rolls. BA-R300 gasket sheet finds applications in automotive and engine building..
Donit TESNIT® BA-U Gasket Sheet
Donit TESNIT® BA-U Gasket Sheet TESNIT® BA-U gasket sheets combine very good thermal, chemical, and mechanical properties that make TESNIT® BA-U as a general-purpose gasket material. It is well designed for gas and potable water supplies. COMPOSITION: The BA-U gasket sheet is composed of Aramid fibres, inorganic fillers, NBR binder. Optional steel wire mesh or expanded steel insert on request. PROPERTIES: The gasket sheet material DONIT TESNIT BA-U is appropriate for..
Gambit AF-OIL
Gambit AF-OIL: Oil-resistant gasket sheet, recommended for high temperatures and pressures. Designed for application in supervised joints. Suitable for natural gas and drinking water installations. Also recommended for applications with water, steam, fuels, oils, brine, natural gas, propane butane...
Gasket sheet Ferolite NAM 39
Gasket sheet Ferolite NAM 39 Maximum short term temperature: 250°C Maximum continuous temperature: 180°C Maximum temperature in steam: 120°C COMPOSITION: The material Composition of these gasket sheets includes Cellulose Fibre and Mineral Fibre & Organic Fibre + NBR PROPERTIES: Gasket sheets Ferolite NAM 39 are resistant to water and oil and is suitable for low to medium loads. Suitable for low operating pressure, such as transformers and compressors..
Gasket sheet Ferolite NAM 49
Gasket sheet Ferolite NAM 49 Maximum short term temperature: 200°C Maximum continuous temperature: 150°C Maximum temperature in steam: 120°C COMPOSITION: These compressed gasket jointing sheets of excellent quality Ferolite NAM 49 are composed of organic fiber of the highest grade, mineral fiber, NBR binder, and inorganic fillers. PROPERTIES: The gasket sheet material Ferolite NAM 49 is oil-resistant and suited for low to medium loads. Suitable for l..
Gasket Sheet Victor Reinz - AFM 34
Gasket Sheet Victor Reinz - AFM 34 Victor Reinz®'s most effective gasket material of all time is AFM 34. This aramid fiber-based classic gasket sheet is absolutely safe from a physiological standpoint and has all of the required approvals (TA-Luft and FDA-compliant, to name a few). AFM 34 gasket sheet material, which is universally applicable, is the ideal sealing solution for a wide variety of media as well as temperatures and operating pressures. Highlight: AFM 34 ..
Gasket sheets Gambit AF-202
Gambit AF-202: GAMBIT AF-202 is a popular gasket sheet, designed for sealing in low temperature and low pressure applications. Particularly this non-asbestos gasket sheet is recommended for fuel oil installations. GAMBIT AF-202 gasket sheet is based on Kevlar® aramide fibres, mineral fibres, and fillers bound with NBR rubberbased binder.Kevlar® is a registered trademark of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates...
Gasket sheets KLINGERSIL® C-4400
Gasket sheets KLINGERSIL® C-4400 Universal high-pressure gasket suitable for use in many branches of the chemical industry, the food industry and the water supply ind. Gasket sheets KLINGERSIL® C-4400 are with very high standard of performance. Resistant to oils, water, steam, gases, salt solutions, fuels, alcohols, organic and inorganic acids, hydrocarbons, lubricants and refrigerants. Gasket sheets KLINGERSIL® C-4400 are made of aramid fibres bonded with NBR. KLING..
Gasket sheets KLINGER® top-sil-ML1 Multilayer
Gasket sheets KLINGER® top-sil-ML1 MultilayerKLINGER® top-sil-ML1 Multilayer is a Unique Multi-Layer material concept – A milestone for fibre reinforced gaskets.Suitable for use with oils, water, steam, gases, salt solutions, fuels, alcohols, moderate organic and inorganic acids, hydrocarbons, lubricants and refrigerants, food industry. Outstanding performance in many applications because of the outer HNBR layers and the inner NBR layer. Revolutionary combinati..
GRAFTEM gasket sheet
GRAFTEM gasket sheet: Non-asbestos gasket sheet which combines graphite powder reinforced with aramid fibres and low content of rubber binder system. Available in Economy version on request. This GRAFTEM gasket sheet is a jointing sheet with excellent mechanical properties is suitable for many applications including fuel, oil, coolants, hydrocarbons, gas and steam...
Gasket sheets KLINGERSIL® C-8200 are a compressed fibre material developed to be used with a broad range of chemicals with particularly good resistance to strong acids and alkalis. KLINGERSIL® C-8200 is an economical alternative to PTFE based materials in applications are less aggressive.C-8200 has TA-Luft (Clean Air) approval.Resistant to most mineral acids;resistant to ketones, aldehydes, alkalis;resistant to many refrigerants,resistant to oil, fuels, hydrocarbons..
KLINGER®Quantum is unique gasket material with the highest flexibility at high temperatures, manufactured from a high-quality fibre and filler compound.A high temperature-resistant HNBR matrix is used as the binding agent. Suitable for use in oils, water, steam, gases, salt solutions, fuels, alcohols, weak organic and inorganic acids, hydrocarbons, lubricants and refrigerants.KLINGER®Quantum gasket sheets are optimum combination of synthetic fibres bounded in a high temp..
Novaphit 400 Gasket sheets
Novaphit 400 Gasket sheets Novaphit 400 is an efficient, flat metal-reinforced graphite gasket made from high-quality pure graphite that is reinforced with an acid-resistant stainless steel insert for many different applications in OEM operations and process industry. Novaphit 400 is, on the other hand, extremely simple and effective processing, even in the case of thin gasket widths and filigree structures. novaphit® 400 is a gasket sheet made from high-quality pur..
Novapress® 880 Gasket sheets
Novapress® 880 Gasket sheets The soft gasket sheet NOVAPRESS® 880 is a sealing material based on aramid fibers and provided with special functional fillers and a PTFE non-stick coating. The binder used here is an NBR rubber mixture. Compared to standard fiber gaskets, the new gasket product novapress 880 offers three times greater adaptability. This enables safe TA Luft models in accordance with VDI 2290 and with enhanced assembly safety to be used with the gask..
novatec PREMIUM XP Gasket sheets
novatec PREMIUM XP Gasket sheets novatec PREMIUM XP is the new and more efficient "Extended Performance” (XP) generation of graphite gaskets reinforced with aramid fibres that have been developed by Frenzelit. A considerable reduction in leakage and at the same time, excellent residual stress and chemical resistance levels are achieved thanks to careful graphite structural design and ingenious process engineering. With novatec PREMIUM XP gasket sheets it..
TEMAPLUS gasket sheet
TEMAPLUS gasket sheet TEMAPLUS gasket sheet is a multi-purpose jointing sheet containing highly resistant aramid fibres, temperature-proof fillers joint with special NBR. Thanks to its excellent mechanical properties, the jointing sheet TEMAPLUS is suitable for oils, fuels, lubricants, alcohols, gases, hydrocarbons, cooling liquids, subacid and alkalescent media. Application: water, water vapour, gas, oil, alcohols, fuel, basic chemicals...